150 USG Tilting Steam Jacketed Mixing Kettle

150 USG Tilting Steam Jacketed Mixing Kettle

Contact us for price

Location:Ontario, CA


*Hemispherical style kettle.

*Sanitary configuration.

*Manual Tilting.

*Constructed of stainless steel 316 type product contact areas, 304 for other parts.

*Steam jacket is ASME-U Stamped at 90 Psi and NB registered.  Equipped with steam in, condensate out.

*With safety grate and flush mount RTD sensor

*Kettle body to have four legs configuration with flanged feet.

*Kettle body to have 3" center bottom flush mount ball valve discharge.

*Agitation is bridge mounted. scraping surface and paddle type.

*Heavy Duty drive

-3 HP three phase, 230/460V 60HZ UL listed Drive. Current rating: 230V 8.4A; 208V 9.3A

-2 HP three phase, 230/460V 60HZ UL listed Drive. Current rating: 230V 6A; 208V 6.6A

*Tri‐Clamp type additive ports.  

*Stainless steel, hinged cover on both sides.

*Controller included, pre-wired using 230V three phase power.

*Digital temperature recorder, solenoid steam valve control feature.

*Safety grate interlock.

*Emergency Stop.

*Overcurrent protection.


ModelTilting Kettle
Stock Number8